
Showing posts from September, 2019

All the ways to love an addict

 My son has an addiction. My husband and I have used all the love strategies we know to leverage for our motivation for him to stop taking drugs. They have been useless. We did the tough love approach and kicked our son out when he used drugs in our house. He didn't quit then. For some reason, I thought this would be the last trick in the book of stopping enabling which would have him hit bottom. Maybe because I had heard so many times from other people that when they kicked their person out of the house their loved one reached a bottom. It didn't work. Mainly because other people offered him a place to stay. So, even though we stopped enabling him, others picked it right back up. One family who took my son in had a daughter who used meth just like my son. If I were the parent of a daughter, I would not have allowed a young man to live in the same house as my daughter--especially if he met her in rehab. They both began using meth again. Another family with two daughters too...